4 Signs Your Dentures in Brookfield Don’t Fit Properly

July 30, 2019

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 9:39 am

person holding their denturesIf you’ve had your dentures in Brookfield for about five to 10 years, and they’ve begun to feel odd in your mouth, it’s probably time to get new ones. Knowing how to tell when they don’t fit properly can help you avoid oral issues down the road. Read on for 4 signs that it’s time to replace your dentures.

Do You Have Difficulty Speaking or Chewing?

When you do basic functions like speak and chew, your teeth and tongue are heavily involved. That’s why when you first get your dentures, you go through a short adjustment period where you lisp, slur your words, or produce more saliva than necessary. Luckily, these symptoms disappear fairly quickly.

If you’ve had your dentures for a while and notice that these issues are occurring again, your dentures may need to be adjusted or replaced. You may notice slipping and shifting also, which can be corrected by bringing your dentures to your dentist to be relined or reshaped.

Do Your Dentures Smell?

When you first get your dentures, it’s best to follow your dentist’s recommendation for taking care of them. During your daily brushing and rinsing, be sure to examine them for any cracks, chips, or stains. Food particles and bacteria can collect in these fractures and cause them to have a smelly odor. They can also make them difficult to clean. If they have a yellow tint to them, be sure to take them to your dentist to see if they’re able to combat the discoloration.

Have You Noticed Sores In Your Mouth?

Due to your ill-fitting dentures, you have probably noticed gum irritation, pressure sores, or oral sores and raw patches. Pressure sores develop in the areas of your mouth where your dentures place the most weight. If you’re experiencing inflammation or bleeding gums, your best bet to resolve these issues is to routinely brush and rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash.

Has the Shape of Your Face Changed?

Your dentures help replace your natural teeth to maintain the structure of your face and keep your cheeks from looking sunken or droopy. So, if you’ve noticed that your jawline looks a little different, you may need your dentures adjusted.

If you’ve been noticing any of these signs, it’s time to visit your dentist to see if your dentures need to be replaced. There is also a modern restoration treatment that can offer you more benefits and eliminate some problems that you may be experiencing with your traditional dentures called implant dentures. Dental implants in Brookfield can prevent jawbone deterioration and replace your missing teeth’s roots along with the biting surfaces, allowing for extra strength and durability. To see if you’re a candidate for implants, or to get your restorations repaired or replaced, visit your dentist today!

About the Practice

At Elmbrook Family Dental, we have a highly trained team of five dentists that offer a variety of specialties so we can provide our patients with comprehensive care. We focus on utilizing state-of-the-art technology and the latest dental techniques so we can offer restorations like dental implants. With a focus on comfort and convenience, we also offer early and late appointment times. For questions or to schedule an appointment for denture repair or dental implants, visit our website or give us a call at 262-784-7201.