Want a smile that shines brighter than the fireworks on the 4th of July? Then you need Britesmile In-Office Teeth Whitening! We offer Britesmile here at our Brookfield office and the results are nothing short of amazing. Have you ever wondered just how a teeth whitening procedure goes? Allow me to tell you!
If this will be your first visit at our office, we will have you fill out a couple of forms including a short health history. Once they are completed and entered into the computer, a dental assistant will come up and bring you back to the room in which you will be having the procedure done.
If you have not recently had a dental exam done at our office, the dentist will come in and make sure there is nothing that will interfere with the whitening procedure. Once the assistant is given the go-ahead, the procedure will start.
She will begin by placing a protective barrier that covers your lips and a rubbery, light cured material that protects your gums. Once everything is properly covered, the whitening gel will be brushed onto the teeth. The gel is stronger than any gel that you can buy in the store, and is only to be used under the supervision of a dental professional. The gel is boosted by a bright blue light that will be placed directly over your mouth in 20 minute increments. There will be 3 sessions like this, and between each the gel will be removed and new gel will be placed. At the end of the 3rd session there is an option for a bonus session.
Once the whitening procedure has been completed, the final round of gel will be removed and a fluoride relief gel is placed on the teeth. After that, all of the protective material is removed and you are good to go!
We also offer a special discount on home whitening trays at this time and will be glad to take the impressions for them at the end of your in office whitening appointment.
A big question everyone wants to know is – does teeth whitening hurt? The answer is that the results are individualized. Some patients have the procedure done and experience very little to no post-op sensitivity while some report high levels of post whitening sensitivity. The good news is that if you are one of the latter that experiences pain, it will be gone by the next day and your teeth will still be very white. We suggest taking ibuprofen before the procedure begins and after as needed for sensitivity.
We recently filmed a video of our very own Dr. Emily having Britesmile done, so look for that in the near future!