Need a new pillow? Maybe you really need a night guard!

August 21, 2013

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 9:02 pm

Do you wake up with head and neck aches often? Have you tried different sleeping positions or even a new pillow? Before you rush out and get another new pillow, consider that you may be clenching or grinding in your sleep. Here are some key clues to determine if night time bruxism may be to blame:

Do you have headaches frequently, but more often in the mornings?

Do you have tension in your neck, cheeks and jaw muscles?

Are your teeth starting to get a more flattened look or do they have cracks and chips?

Does your significant other complain that your teeth sound like they are squeaking while you sleep?

Do you have receding gums or generalized cold sensitivity?

If your answer to any of the above questions was yes, there is a good chance your head and neck aches may be due to TMJ problems, not a flat pillow. Talk with us at your next dental visit. We would be happy to create a treatment plan just for you to help alleviate your discomfort.

Did you know?

August 13, 2013

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 8:18 pm

Here are some fun dental facts we thought you might find interesting. Did you know:

*The bacteria found in periodontal (gum) disease is related to premature births? Be sure not to neglect your oral care during pregnancy.

*Xylitol is a great natural alternative to fluoride and can be found in mints, gums and some toothpastes as well. It reduces bacteria and helps strengthen teeth.

*Some bottled water is acidic! That’s right, Aquafina and Dasani both have a pH of 4.0 making it acidic. A safer choice is your own tap water filtered.

*Cheese is considered one of the few anti-cariogenic foods (anti cavity). This should mean we are at a lower risk for decay here in Wisconsin, right?

*Night time brushing is much more important than your morning brushing. The food we eat throughout the day breaks down into sugars and harmful plaque and attaches to the tooth. Leaving it on over night while we sleep puts us at a much higher risk for decay and gum disease.