Happy 40th Dr Brunner

August 14, 2015

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:31 pm

If you didn’t see it on our facebook page already, August is full of birthdays for our staff! Kari, Amanda G, Dr Taibl, Tiffany, Kerrie W and Kim all celebrate in the month of August. This year, we had an extra special birthday to celebrate. Dr Brunner turned 40 years old! If you were lucky enough to be in the office on Tuesday, August 11th, you may have heard some singing, some teasing and laughing or even seen a pink gorilla! We had so much fun celebrating the big FOUR OH with you Dr Brunner.

He was a good sport about it all and wore a big gaudy pin all day announcing his new age. Dr Tack hired a singing pink gorilla to surprise him with the birthday song, and Connie (who is SO talented) made an amazing cake of his caricature. It even had a bald head and extra special jimmies so he could add just as much hair to the cake as he thought he deserved. Interested to see photos? Check out our facebook page and take a look!  https://www.facebook.com/elmbrookfamilydental