What is the Point of Having My Blood Pressure Taken at the Dentist’s Office?

August 22, 2022

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:21 pm
blood pressure cuff

You walk into your dentist’s office in need of a general checkup and cleaning. It’s business as usual when you sit down in the chair and prepare to undergo a thorough examination and cleaning; however, something is different. Instead of immediately reclining, a member of your dental team begins taking your blood pressure. Isn’t this something that is usually done at the doctor’s office, not the dentist’s? If you’re suddenly asking, “Why does my dentist take my blood pressure,” read on to learn the reason for this practice and why it’s beneficial for your oral and overall health.


Post-Dental Crown Placement: What Should I Expect?

August 3, 2022

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 9:19 am
woman after receiving dental crown

Your dentist informs you that you need a dental crown. Because of the damage to your tooth, it cannot function properly without some form of stability. After learning this bit of information, you may begin to wonder what life will be like with an artificial tooth. Will it hurt immediately following placement? How difficult will it be to eat, speak, or smile? A local dentist wants to help ease your mind by explaining what you can expect after receiving a dental crown and what you can do to manage any discomfort while working toward a healthier smile.
