Dentist in Brookfield, WI
Get to Know
Dr. Cory Wirth

Dr. Wirth says that the best part of his job as a Brookfield dentist, by far, is forming relationships with his dental patients and helping them achieve their goals. Whether this involves improving their smile, relieving pain, or simply preventing future issues, he says it is always rewarding to have a positive impact on people’s lives through his work. Before you have a chance to meet him in person, you can learn more about him below.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Dentist?

Growing up, Dr. Wirth always wanted to go into healthcare because he liked the idea of working with people and getting to help them. It was only after he had the opportunity to shadow his hometown dentist (who ended up being one of his professors in dental school) that he knew that dentistry would be the right fit for him. Not only does the doctor get to spend plenty of time with each patient, but he also likes working with his hands.
Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Dr. Wirth graduated from Luther College before going on to earn his dental degree from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. The year he graduated, he was nominated by faculty and ultimately won the Dr. John C. Kois Prize in Clinical Excellence, which recognizes senior students who excel clinically while having a strong interest in pursuing continuing education. Today, he holds memberships in the American Dental Association and Wisconsin Dental Association.
Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Dr. Wirth is originally from Iowa, and his wife, Molly, is a registered nurse who grew up in Pewaukee. He loves to watch sports in his free time, and he is a proud Iowa Hawkeye fan despite now calling Wisconsin his home. He has accepted the Bucks as his favorite basketball team, and Molly is trying to get him to root for the Packers, but he hasn’t budged on that yet!