Oral Cancer

January 12, 2010

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 6:16 pm

oral-cancerDid you know that oral cancer is the cause of 7,000 deaths each year within the United States? World wide, it is responsible for 127,000 deaths total. One of the main reasons for this is that it is often not detected till it is in its late stages. Once it metastasizes, the survival rate is only 17%. Research shows that early detection is key to increasing a persons chances at surviving oral cancer. Who better to detect oral cancer at its earliest stages than your skilled team here at Elmbrook Family Dental? Coming in on a routine basis is not only helpful in keeping your teeth clean, but also in monitoring and detecting lesions. Oral cancer often presents as a tiny, unnoticed white or red spot or sore inside the mouth. Oral cancer can occur at any age to anyone. Those at higher risk are those over the age of 40, those who combine alcohol consumption with smoking, and those who have had prolonged exposure to the sun. Sun exposure can cause cancerous lesions on the lips. Oral cancer screenings are a routine part of your check ups with us. Your hygienist does a careful and detailed examination of your lips, cheeks and tongue. If there are any areas of concern, the dentist will examine the area to determine if there is a need for further diagnoses by a specialist. So, before you put your next visit with us off, think of what may be at risk. Put your health first and let us be the ones to help you.

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