How to Care for Infant’s Teeth and Gums

November 11, 2010

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 1:49 pm

infantDid you know that an infant’s gums and newly erupted teeth should be brushed? After bottle feeding, using a soft bristled brush on your infants gums can eliminate decay and disease causing bacteria. At the age of about 2 years old, you may start using a pea sized amount of toothpaste on your child’s brush. Be sure to use a toothpaste low in fluoride until your child is able to spit into the sink after brushing.This will help to avoid fluorosis of the teeth. Although your child may want to brush on their own, be sure to brush following them to ensure that it is done accurately. Some sources say a parent should participate in brushing until the age of 9 years old.

We recommend your child have their first dental visit between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. Our staff will work with your child to build a positive and trusting relationship. We want your child’s first visit to be enjoyable!